HSPC frequencies in NHD13+ Tg and control mice. Bone marrow (BM) cells from wild-type and NHD13+ Tg mice were harvested at 4 months of age and prepared for flow cytometric analysis. (A) Representative FACS plots show LSK, CD34, Flt3, and CD150 expression within WT and NHD13+ Tg mice BM cells. (B) The frequencies of LSK cells, ST-HSCs (LSKCD34+Flt3−) and LMPPs (LSKCD34+Flt3+) in WT and NHD13+ Tg mouse BM (mean ± SD, n = 7, *P < .05, **P < .01). (C) The frequency and (D) absolute number of CD150+ LT-HSCs (CD150+LSKCD34−Flt3−) in WT and NHD13+ Tg mouse BM are shown (mean ± SD, n = 7, *P < .05). (E left panel) The FACS plots and gating strategies used to identify CMPs (Lin−Sca-1− cKit+ IL-7Rα−CD34+FcgRlow), GMPs (Lin−Sca-1−cKit+IL-7Rα−CD34+FcgRhigh), and MEPs (Lin−Sca-1−cKit+IL-7Rα−CD34−FcgRlow) within the Lin−IL-7Rα−cKit+ population. Right panel, The frequencies of CMPs, GMPs, and MEPs in WT and NHD13+ Tg mice BM (mean ± SD, n = 8, **P < .01). (F left panel) Representative FACS plots of the gating strategy to identify the CLPs (Flt3+Lin−IL-7Rα+ckitintSca-1int) population. (Right panel) The frequency of CLPs in WT and NHD13+ Tg mice BM (mean ± SD, n = 8, **P < .01).