Enforced expression of Th-POK represses RORγT in Vα14i NKT-cell lines. Lines established from Th-POKhd/hd and Th-POK+/+ sorted Vα14i NKT thymocytes were transduced with retrovirus encoding WT Th-POK together with GFP, or with virus encoding GFP alone. Cell lines were harvested 87 hours posttransduction and stained for RORγT. (A) Contour plots depicting RORγT and GFP expression in a Th-POKhd/hd Vα14i NKT line transduced with empty vector (left) or Th-POK-encoding (right) retrovirus. (B) Histogram overlays of RORγT expression in GFPhighTh-POKhd/hd (left) or Th-POK+/+ (right) Vα14i NKT lines transduced with empty vector (gray) or Th-POK-encoding (black) retrovirus. Data are representative of 3 independent experiments.