Cargo release in response to different agonists. Human platelets (1.2 × 109/mL) were prepared as described and were stimulated with thrombin (0.3 U/mL, T; n = 3), convulxin (0.3 μg/mL, C; n = 2), PAR1-agonist (50μM, P-1; n = 2), or PAR4-agonist (500μM, P-4; n = 2) for 5 minutes. Releasates were then probed using the micro-ELISA arrays, and the presence (gray square) or absence (white square) of a given cargo molecule was recorded. Cumulative data indicate whether a cargo was released at least once in any of the secretion trials performed with the indicated agonist. Single donor indicates the cargo released by platelets from a single donor in response to different agonists. PAR1/PAR4 indicates a direct comparison of the data for cargo release in response to stimulation of either the PAR1 or the PAR4 receptor. Relative abundance indicates the number of molecules of each cargo per resting platelet and was measured using the micro-ELISA arrays.