pDC defects in Spi-B–deficient mice are cell intrinsic. A 1:1 mixture of CD45.2+ WT C57BL/6 or Spi-B–deficient BM cells with CD45.1+ WT BM cells were transferred to irradiated CD45.1+ WT C57BL/6 recipients. The resulting chimeric mice, WT + CD45.1→CD45.1 and Spib−/− + CD45.1→CD45.1 mice, were analyzed 6-8 weeks after BM transfer. (A) BM pDCs, splenic pDCs, splenic cDCs, and splenic B cells were gated as CD19−CD11c+B220+, CD19−CD11c+B220+, CD19−CD11c+B220−, and CD19+CD11c− cells, respectively. The percentages of CD45.2+CD45.1− cells among these cells are shown. *P < .05; **P < .01. (B) CD45.2+CD45.1− cells were gated and dot plots of CD11c versus BST2 in BM, spleen, and iLN cells are shown. Numbers indicate percentages of gated cells among CD45.2+CD45.1− cells. For PB cells, dot plots of CD11c versus BST2 in CD19−CD11c+B220+ cells are shown. Numbers indicate the percentages of gated cells among CD45.2+CD45.1−CD19−CD11c+B220+ cells. (C) CD45.2+CD45.1−CD19−CD11c+B220+ cells were gated and analyzed for the expression of Ly49Q. Open histograms indicate isotype controls. Numbers indicate percentages and mean fluorescence intensity of Ly49Q+ cells. Experiments were performed 2 times using 6 WT + CD45.1→CD45.1 and 7 Spib−/− + CD45.1→CD45.1 mice in total. Panel A shows the data from one experiment; panels B and C show representative data.