Increased proangiogenic capacity of CD34+ PBMCs is critically dependent on miR-126 expression. (A) Shows transfected CD34+ cells, with anti–miR-126 (▩) and miR-mimic 126 (■), effect on tube formation stimulation, respectively, compared with that of scrambled (□) transfected cells. (B) Representative photographs of tube formation in high-power field (n = 6-10). (C) Supernatant of transfected CD34+ cells effect on proangiogenic stimulation of endothelial cells is shown. (D) Photographs of tube formation in high-power field (n = 4). (E) Altered miR-126 expression levels on transfection of CD34+ cells with anti–miR-126 (▩) and miR-mimic-126 (■) (n = 4-6). MicroRNA expression is normalized to U6, small nuclear RNA, and expressed as normalized value (NV). Data are mean ± SEM.