miR-126 is secreted by CD34+ PBMCs in microvesicular and exosomal fractions. (A) Assessment of miR-126 levels in the supernatant of the different populations of blood MNCs: CD34+CD14+ (□), CD34+CD14− (■), CD34−CD14− cells (▩) (n = 3-5). (B) miR-mimic-126 or anti–miR-126 treatment leads to increased (■) or reduced (□) miR-126 levels in the supernatant, respectively (n = 4). (C) Expression levels of miR-126 in various fractions of the supernatant (n = 4). (D) Proangiogenic stimulation by microvesicles (□), exosomes (▩), and 220k pellet (■) (n = 4-6). (E) Internalization of vesicles by endothelial cells, detected in FACS analysis by acquisition of PKH-67 stain (n = 3). (F-H) miR-126 expression levels in cells and supernatants of CD34+ cells treated with GW4869 and effect on tube formation (n = 4). Data are mean ± SEM.