Figure 4
Figure 4. Representative example of immunofluorescent analysis of cultured ECs from splenic MNCs of patient number 6. ECs were detached from the culture dish, cytospun onto a glass slide, and stained with PE-conjugated anti–VE-cadherin mAb (red; A) and with FITC-conjugated anti-CD45 mAb (green; B). MNCs from the peripheral blood of a healthy subject were used as a positive control for CD45 detection, and ECs derived from ECFCs obtained from a healthy subject were used as a positive control for VE-cadherin detection. Original magnification was 250×.

Representative example of immunofluorescent analysis of cultured ECs from splenic MNCs of patient number 6. ECs were detached from the culture dish, cytospun onto a glass slide, and stained with PE-conjugated anti–VE-cadherin mAb (red; A) and with FITC-conjugated anti-CD45 mAb (green; B). MNCs from the peripheral blood of a healthy subject were used as a positive control for CD45 detection, and ECs derived from ECFCs obtained from a healthy subject were used as a positive control for VE-cadherin detection. Original magnification was 250×.

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