Hdac1 knock-down enhances the myeloid differentiation block and genomic instability imposed by PML-RAR in lin− cells derived from mCGPR/PR mice. Lin− cells were transduced with the indicated vectors, sorted for GFP positivity, and plated in methylcellulose-containing medium. (A-B) Analysis of the expression of the indicated differentiation markers in control and Hdac1 knock-down preleukemic cells. A representative dot plot (A) and the statistical analysis of 3 independent experiments (B) are shown. (C) Analysis of the proliferative potential of control and Hdac1 knock-down preleukemic cells by a serial replating assay. (D) Plot of the percentages of aneuploid and diploid cells in metaphase spreads from CTRL (n = 82) and HDAC1-KD (n = 76) cells. The statistical analysis was performed with the Fisher exact test (GraphPad software).