Mice are generated that express either a TgPKR or DNPKR mutant transgene exclusively in hematopoietic tissues. (A) Schematic of construct used for pronuclear injection. (B) PCR analysis of tail DNA to detect transgenic mice with primers specific for TgPKR. PCR for β-actin was used as an endogenous control. Lanes 4 and 5 are transgenic pups; others are WT siblings. (C) Real-time PCR assays of TgPKR or DNPKR expression in the indicated tissues of transgenic mice. Data represent relative mRNA levels (mean ± SEM, n = 3) normalized to mouse β-actin in arbitrary units. (D) Total cell lysates were analyzed by western blot for TgPKR or DNPKR protein expression in the tissues indicated.