Serum creatinine values for 3 patients. There are 3 reports of serum creatinine for 3 different patients. Each report contains 2 columns of information in the following order: a scale for days in relation to the HCT and the measured values for each test. Reference range for each test is provided in the top row of each report. The red asterisk (*) means values were outside the reference range. The reference range for serum creatinine was 0.3 to 1.2 mg/dL. Values of serum creatinine that were tested between days −24 and −10 before HCT were the only values considered for evaluation of renal comorbidity. (A) This patient had 3 normal and 2 elevated values of serum creatinine between days −24 and −10 before HCT. No score was assigned for renal comorbidity in this patient because both of the elevated values were less than 2 mg/dL. The 2 values of serum creatinine at days −9 and −8, which were higher than 2 mg/dL, did not contribute to the evaluation of this comorbidity because they were assessed after day −10. (B) This patient had consistently elevated values of serum creatinine throughout the whole laboratory report. However, no score was assigned for renal comorbidity in this patient because there was only a single value of more than 2 mg/dL at day −14, which was not sufficient for coding this comorbidity. (C) This patient had consistently elevated values of serum creatinine throughout the whole laboratory report. A score of 2 was assigned for renal comorbidity in this patient because there were 2 values of serum creatinine higher than 2 mg/dL between days −24 and −10 before HCT.