miRNAs do not activate T cells in vivo. (A) Human PBMCs were stimulated with miRNAs as described in Figure 1A and subjected to flow cytometric analysis of CD69 surface expression within CD3+ T cells. Depicted are representative data from 1 of 6 donors (top), as well as summary data from 3 donors in 1 experiment (bottom). Data suggest that miRNAs do not significantly change human T-cell surface expression of CD69. (B) Mice were treated in vivo, and cells were prepared for flow cytometric analysis as described in Figure 3A. Depicted are representative data from 1 of 6 mice with similar data (left), as well as summary data from 3 mice in 1 experiment (right), suggesting that miRNAs do not significantly change murine T-cell surface expression of CD69 in vivo. For (A) and (B), error bars represent standard deviation.