In vitro generation of CD20+CD27+CD43+CD70−CD69−cells from CD43−B cells. (A) On day 0, CD19+-enriched B cells were sorted into CD3−CD19+CD20+CD27+CD43−IgD+IgM+ (natural effector), CD3−CD19+CD20+CD27+CD43−IgD−IgM+ (IgM only memory), and CD3−CD19+CD20+CD27+CD43−IgD−IgM− (switched memory) B cells. Subsequently, sorted cells were put in culture in the presence of R-848 and IL-2. Cells were analyzed by flow cytometry on day 5. Live CD3−CD19+CD20+CD27+ cells of the 3 cultured populations were gated as shown. (B) Plots showing expression of CD43 and CD70 of live CD3−CD19+CD20+CD27+ cells starting from natural effector (left), IgM only memory (middle), and switched memory B cells (right). (C) Plots showing expression of CD43 and CD69 of live CD3-CD19+CD20+CD27+ cells starting from natural effector (left), IgM only memory (middle), and switched memory B cells (right). Plots from a representative experiment of 3 are shown.