Coro1A is critical for PMN trafficking in innate immunity. (A-F) IVM of fMLP-superfused postcapillary cremaster muscle venules of Coro1A+/+ and Coro1A−/− mice. (A) Rolling leukocytes before (0 minutes) and 15 minutes after fMLP superfusion (n = 18 vessels per 5 mice, Coro1A+/+; n = 16 vessels per 5 mice; Coro1A−/−). Mean ± standard error of the mean. (B) Cumulative frequency distribution of leukocyte rolling velocities (n = 169 cells per 18 vessels per 5 mice, Coro1A+/+; n = 154 cells per 16 vessels per 5 mice, Coro1A−/−). (C) Adherent leukocytes before (0 minute) and during fMLP superfusion for indicated time periods (n = 9 vessels per 5 mice, Coro1A+/+; n = 9 vessels per 5 mice, Coro1A−/−). Mean ± standard error of the mean. (D) Mean velocity and mean Euclidean distance of PMNs during intraluminal crawling (n = 538 cells per 11 vessels per 3 mice, Coro1A+/+; n = 232 cells per 21 vessels per 6 mice, Coro1A−/−). Mean ± standard error of the mean. (E) Microscopic images after 70 minutes of fMLP superfusion. Interstitial PMN migration routes were tracked. Scale bar, 30 µm. (F) Interstitial PMN accumulation after fMLP superfusion for indicated time periods (n ≥ 319 cells per 29 vessels per 5 mice, Coro1A+/+; n ≥ 104 cells per 35 vessels per 7 mice, Coro1A−/−). Mean ± standard error of the mean.*P < .05 versus Coro1A+/+ mice.