ZNF24 levels and VEGF levels are inversely correlated in human breast cancer tissues compared with normal adjacent tissues. (A-H) Serial sections of human breast cancer TMAs containing malignant and normal adjacent tissues were stained with ZNF24 Ab (A,B,E,F) or VEGF Ab (C,D,G,H). Representative images of normal adjacent tissues and tumor tissues at 400× (A-D) and at 1000× (E-H) are shown. Histograms depict the percentages of patients demonstrating negative, moderate, or strong staining of ZNF24 (I) and negative, focal positive, or positive staining of VEGF (J). A higher percentage of negative ZNF24 staining was observed in tumors (median = negative staining) versus a higher percentage of positive staining in normal tissues (median = strong). A higher percentage of positive VEGF staining was observed in tumors (median = focal positive staining) versus a higher percentage of negative staining in normal tissues (median = negative staining). Images were obtained at room temperature using an Olympus BX41 microscope equipped with a 40×/0.75 objective and an 100×/1.30 oil-immersion objective (Olympus), Olympus Q-color5 digital camera (Olympus) and Adobe CS4 V.11 software (Adobe).