Lrf knockout mice show significantly reduced numbers of LT-HSCs and Flt3+ lymphoid progenitors. (A) Representative HSC/progenitor FACS profiles of control (Zbtb7aFlox/FloxMx1-Cre−) and hematopoietic-specific Lrf knockout mice (Zbtb7aFlox/FloxMx1-Cre+). c-Kit–positive cells were purified from total BM cells using c-Kit microbeads and MACS LS columns and stained for surface markers. Arrowhead (bottom row, second from right) indicates CD48high+ T-cell progenitors within the LSK CD150−Flt3− population. Aberrant Sca1high+ T-cell progenitors within the Lin−Flt3+Il7Rα+ fraction are depicted with an asterisk (second row from bottom, left). LT-HSC: long-term hematopoietic stem cell; CLP: common lymphoid progenitor. (B) Dot graphs of absolute counts of LT-HSCs [LSK (Lin−Sca1+c-Kit+) Il7Rα−Flt3−CD150+CD48−VCAM1dim+] and CLPs (Lin−Il7Rα+Flt3+CD150−CD48+VCAM1−) per 2 legs (2 tibias and 2 femurs). Horizontal black bars: average value; error bars: standard deviation. (C) Proportions of CD34-negative LT-HSCs within the LSK CD150+Flt3− population. Horizontal black bars: average value; error bars: standard deviation. (D) Representative FACS profiles of side population analysis in BM cells from control and Lrf knockout mice. (E) Absolute numbers of LT-HSCs in 13.5 dpc fetal liver (FL) from WT (+/+), Lrf heterozygous (+/−) and Lrf knockout (−/−) mice. Horizontal black bars: average value; error bars: standard deviation. (F) Representative FACS profiles for FL T-cell precursors. (G) Dot graphs show proportions (left) and absolute counts (right) of FL T-cell precursors (TER119−Gr1−c-Kit+PIR+IL7Rα+) in 13.5 dpc FL cells. Horizontal black bars: average value; error bars: standard deviation.