CUX1 is within the 2.17-Mb CDS of 7q22.1. Copy number analysis of 7q derived from SNP arrays of 35 samples of de novo AML or t-MNs. Thirty-four samples are from primary leukemia samples, and UoCM1 is a cell line derived from the leukemia cells of a patient with de novo AML. Seventeen samples have −7/del(7q) detected by cytogenetic analysis as depicted above the sample identifiers. The percentage of cells exhibiting the abnormality is indicated in brackets. T12 has a cryptic deletion in 7q22.1 not visible by conventional cytogenetic analysis. The CDS spans 49 genes; however, only the genes bordering the CDS are shown for clarity. Data are visualized with Integrated Genome Viewer Version 2.0.50 Previously identified commonly deleted segments are shown on the right panel, and genomic coordinates are indicated in build hg19. LOH indicates loss of heterozygosity.