Heterozygous deletion of Gata3 restores DN3-like cell development from E2A−/− FL MPPs. (A) FACS analysis for CD44 and CD25 on the progeny of Lin− FL cells from control (including WT, Cre+, or Gata3+/fl), E2A−/−, or E2A−/−Gata3+/Δ embyros after culture on OP9-DL1 for 12 days. Data are representative from at least 3 experiments. (B) Average + SE derived from 6 mice of each genotype. (C) qPCR analysis for Gata3 or (D) Notch1 and Rag1 mRNA isolated from sorted DN1-like (white), DN2-like (gray), or DN3-like (black) cells isolated from the cultures shown in panel A. Expression is shown relative to WT DN1 cells. NA indicates not available. Data are from 1 of 2 similar experiments.