Heterozygous deletion of Gata3 partially restores T-cell development in E2A−/− mice. (A) FACS analysis for CD4 and CD8 in the thymus of E2A+/+, E2A−/−, and E2A−/−Gata3+/Δ mice. The frequency of DP and SP subsets is shown. One representative of more than 10 experiments is shown. (B) Average + SD of the percentage or (C) total number of DP cells in control (including E2A+/+, Cre+, or Gata3+/fl) mice, E2A−/− mice, or E2A−/−Gata3+/Δ mice. *P < .05. (D) FACS analysis for CD117 and CD25 on Lin− thymocytes from the same mice as in panel A. The frequency of ETPs and DN2 and DN3 cells is shown in the gated regions. (E) Average + SD of the percentage or (F) total number of DN3 cells in mice of the indicated genotype. A minimum of 10 mice of each genotype were analyzed; **P < .01. (G) Average + SD of the percentage or (H) total number of Lin-CD117lo/−CD44hiCD25lo thymocytes in mice of the indicated genotype. A minimum of 10 mice of each genotype was analyzed.