Figure 6
Figure 6. Heterozygous deletion of Gata3 partially restores T-cell development in E2A−/− mice. (A) FACS analysis for CD4 and CD8 in the thymus of E2A+/+, E2A−/−, and E2A−/−Gata3+/Δ mice. The frequency of DP and SP subsets is shown. One representative of more than 10 experiments is shown. (B) Average + SD of the percentage or (C) total number of DP cells in control (including E2A+/+, Cre+, or Gata3+/fl) mice, E2A−/− mice, or E2A−/−Gata3+/Δ mice. *P < .05. (D) FACS analysis for CD117 and CD25 on Lin− thymocytes from the same mice as in panel A. The frequency of ETPs and DN2 and DN3 cells is shown in the gated regions. (E) Average + SD of the percentage or (F) total number of DN3 cells in mice of the indicated genotype. A minimum of 10 mice of each genotype were analyzed; **P < .01. (G) Average + SD of the percentage or (H) total number of Lin-CD117lo/−CD44hiCD25lo thymocytes in mice of the indicated genotype. A minimum of 10 mice of each genotype was analyzed.

Heterozygous deletion of Gata3 partially restores T-cell development in E2A−/− mice. (A) FACS analysis for CD4 and CD8 in the thymus of E2A+/+, E2A−/−, and E2A−/−Gata3+/Δ mice. The frequency of DP and SP subsets is shown. One representative of more than 10 experiments is shown. (B) Average + SD of the percentage or (C) total number of DP cells in control (including E2A+/+, Cre+, or Gata3+/fl) mice, E2A−/− mice, or E2A−/−Gata3+/Δ mice. *P < .05. (D) FACS analysis for CD117 and CD25 on Lin thymocytes from the same mice as in panel A. The frequency of ETPs and DN2 and DN3 cells is shown in the gated regions. (E) Average + SD of the percentage or (F) total number of DN3 cells in mice of the indicated genotype. A minimum of 10 mice of each genotype were analyzed; **P < .01. (G) Average + SD of the percentage or (H) total number of Lin-CD117lo/−CD44hiCD25lo thymocytes in mice of the indicated genotype. A minimum of 10 mice of each genotype was analyzed.

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