Figure 1
Figure 1. Genomic aberrations in RS. Frequency of DNA gains (red, up) and losses (blue, down) observed in 315 cases of CLL-U (A), 28 cases of CLL-phase of RS (B), 58 cases of RS (C), and 127 cases of de novo DLBCL (D); representation of the focal gains (left) and losses (right) as detected via GISTIC in RS samples (E). (A-D) X-axis represents chromosome localization and physical mapping and y-axis the proportion of cases showing the aberrations. (E) False-discovery rate q values are plotted along the X-axis with chromosomal position along the Y-axis; altered regions with significant levels exceeding the vertical green line (significance threshold) were deemed significant; chromosomal positions are shown for each significant region on the right side of the plots.

Genomic aberrations in RS. Frequency of DNA gains (red, up) and losses (blue, down) observed in 315 cases of CLL-U (A), 28 cases of CLL-phase of RS (B), 58 cases of RS (C), and 127 cases of de novo DLBCL (D); representation of the focal gains (left) and losses (right) as detected via GISTIC in RS samples (E). (A-D) X-axis represents chromosome localization and physical mapping and y-axis the proportion of cases showing the aberrations. (E) False-discovery rate q values are plotted along the X-axis with chromosomal position along the Y-axis; altered regions with significant levels exceeding the vertical green line (significance threshold) were deemed significant; chromosomal positions are shown for each significant region on the right side of the plots.

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