Distinct GR translational isoform profiles in immature and mature DCs. (A) A representative Western blot analysis shows that GR translational isoforms switched from predominantly the GR-D isoforms to GR-A and B isoforms in an LPS dose-dependent manner. Experiments were repeated at least 3 times. (B) A representative Western blot analysis shows the induction of the GR-D to GR-A isoform switch by LPS (1 ng/mL, 24 hours) and LTA (4 μg/mL, 24 hours). (C) The ratio (± SD, n = 3) of the proapoptotic GR isoforms (GR-A, B, and C isoforms) over the nonapoptotic GR-D isoforms (GR-A/GR-D) was increased significantly by LPS (1 ng/mL, 24 hours; 2-tailed t test, *P < .01). (D) Levels of GR mRNA were not significantly regulated by LPS (1 ng/mL, n = 3). Real-time RT PCR determination of mRNA levels is described in “Methods.” (E) BMDC maturational stage-specific gene regulation by DEX. BMDCs were treated with vehicle or LPS (1 ng/mL, 48 hours) before exposure to DEX (100nM, 6 hours, a time point where there was minimal cell death). The numbers of genes regulated by DEX that were revealed by the murine apoptosis PCR array analyses are indicated in the Venn diagram. Genes are listed in descending order of average fold regulation (n = 3) and proapoptotic genes are in bold.