Development of CD8α+ and CD103+ DCs in the presence of Batf3+/+ or Batf3−/− stromal cells. Analyses of purified CD11c+ DCs from intact Id2gfp/gfp, Id2gfp/gfpBatf3−/− mouse strains and bone marrow chimeric Id2gfp/gfp (Ly5.2+)→Ly5.1+ or Id2gfp/gfpBatf3−/−(Ly5.2+)→Ly5.1+ recipient mice 8 weeks after reconstitution. DCs were purified from spleens, peripheral LNs, and mesenteric LNs stained for various surface molecules and analyzed by flow cytometry. Numbers indicate the percentage of cells in each DC subset gated on live (PI−) donor (Ly5.1− or Ly5.2− cells) CD11c+CD45RA− conventional DCs. Data are representative of at least 3 separate experiments with similar results (n = 6-9 mice per group).