Early induced CD8α+ DCs exhibit hallmarks of classic CD8α+ DCs. (A) Ly5.2+CD11c+CD45RA− CD8α+, CD4+ and CD8α−CD4− DN DCs derived from Id2gfp/gfp (Ly5.2+)→Ly5.1 or Id2gfp/gfpBatf3−/− (Ly5.2+)→Ly5.1 chimeric mice 3 weeks after transplantation of bone marrow were purified by FACS sorting from spleen. DCs (1.25 × 104) were cocultured with OVA-coated bm1 splenocytes and 5 × 103 CTV CD8+ OT-I or CD4+ OT-II T cells. After 60 hours, the level of proliferation induced in cultures were analyzed by staining cells for Vα2+ within the CD4+ and CD8+ populations. Data are representative profiles of 2 experiments with similar results. (B) Expression of CD8α, CD24, and Clec9A surface molecules in splenic CD8α+ DCs. Ly5.2+ CD11c+ splenic DCs from bone marrow chimeric mice as described in panel A. Numbers indicate the mean fluorescence intensity of each marker within the PI−CD45−CD11c+CD8α+ DC subset. (C) Quantitative PCR analyses of Xcr1, Tlr3, and Batf3 expression by CD8α+ DCs 3 weeks after bone marrow transplantation. FACS purified CD8α+ DCs isolated from Id2gfp/gfp (Ly5.2+) or Id2gfp/gfpBatf3−/− (Ly5.2+)→Ly5.1 recipients and analyzed for expression of Tlr3. (D) Analysis of CX3CR1 and CCR2 expression on splenic DC subset 3 weeks after reconstitution of Ly5.1 recipients with Ly5.1 (WT), Cx3cr1-GFP, or Ccr2-DTR-CFP bone marrow. Dotted line shows expression on Ly6Chigh monocytes. (A-D) Data are representative of at least 2 experiments for each condition and error bars represent mean ± SD.