Figure 1
Figure 1. Phenotypic characterization of human CD19+ B cells relative to CD4+CD39+ and CD4+CD73+ T cells. Freshly isolated PBMC were stained for flow cytometry and examined for surface expression of ectonucleotidases, CD39 and CD73, ADO deaminase–associated protein, CD26, and CD25. (A) Representative expression data for CD4+ T and CD19+ B cells of a normal donor. (B) Percentages of positive cells in each cell subset shown as means ± SD for 6 different normal donors tested. B cells are CD39+ and CD73+ but negative for CD26.

Phenotypic characterization of human CD19+ B cells relative to CD4+CD39+ and CD4+CD73+ T cells. Freshly isolated PBMC were stained for flow cytometry and examined for surface expression of ectonucleotidases, CD39 and CD73, ADO deaminase–associated protein, CD26, and CD25. (A) Representative expression data for CD4+ T and CD19+ B cells of a normal donor. (B) Percentages of positive cells in each cell subset shown as means ± SD for 6 different normal donors tested. B cells are CD39+ and CD73+ but negative for CD26.

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