Effect of treatment pre-H/R. LRS, MP4CO, MP4OX, or Hb (8 mL/kg) was infused into NY1DD sickle mice with implanted DSFCs 24 hours before H/R. Twenty-four hours after infusion, flowing venules in the subcutaneous skin were selected and mapped. Mice were then exposed to 1 hour of hypoxia (7% O2/93% N2) and returned to room air. After 1 hour of reoxygenation, the same mapped venules were re-examined for blood flow, and the percentage of static (no flow) venules was calculated. Hemin pretreatment (40 µmols/day IP × 3 days) is a positive control known to prevent stasis by induction of HO-1. Values are means + SD. N = 4 mice per treatment except hemin (n = 6). *P < .017 vs LRS.