Figure 1
Figure 1. Example of follicular hyperplasia features in a patient. (A) At low power examination, the lymph node architecture is preserved with florid follicular hyperplasia. Large follicles show irregular borders, a prominent germinal center, and sometimes enlarged mantle zone (original magnification ×2.5). (B) Reactive germinal centers show a bcl2−/bcl6+/CD10+ immunostaining pattern (original magnification ×2.5). (C) The karyotype of lymphadenopathy after G-banding was as follows: 46,XY,add(1)(q41),der(14)t(1;14)(q24;q32)[8]/46XY[12]. Derivative chromosomes are marked by arrows. (D) Polymerase chain reaction heteroduplex analysis of incomplete Ig heavy chain (IGH) DH-JH rearrangement: detection of a slight homoduplex band (280 bp).

Example of follicular hyperplasia features in a patient. (A) At low power examination, the lymph node architecture is preserved with florid follicular hyperplasia. Large follicles show irregular borders, a prominent germinal center, and sometimes enlarged mantle zone (original magnification ×2.5). (B) Reactive germinal centers show a bcl2/bcl6+/CD10+ immunostaining pattern (original magnification ×2.5). (C) The karyotype of lymphadenopathy after G-banding was as follows: 46,XY,add(1)(q41),der(14)t(1;14)(q24;q32)[8]/46XY[12]. Derivative chromosomes are marked by arrows. (D) Polymerase chain reaction heteroduplex analysis of incomplete Ig heavy chain (IGH) DH-JH rearrangement: detection of a slight homoduplex band (280 bp).

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