Accumulation and diapedesis of Kindlin-3–deficient effector T cells in inflamed lymph nodes are elevated compared with their wt counterparts. (A) The number of wt and Kindlin-3–deficient effector T cells arrested (intravascular) or emigrating (extravascular) from inflamed inguinal lymph node vessels was determined 30, 60, and 120 minutes after coinjection of these T cells (CFSE or Violet and CMTMR prelabeled, as in previous figures) by multiphoton intravital microscopy. Blood vessels were visualized by Qtracker655 quantum dots. Results are the mean ± SEM of 3 fields of view (0.23 mm2); n = 3. (B) Left: The fraction of sham-treated or PTx-pretreated wt T effectors that accumulated and successfully extravasated inflamed inguinal lymph node vessels 210 minutes after injection. The mean ± SEM of 3 fields of view. n = 3. Right: The fraction of accumulated sham or PTx pretreated Kindlin-3–deficient T effectors that successfully extravasated inflamed lymph node vessels. The mean ± SEM of 3 fields; n = 3. (C) Selected frames from supplemental Video 5 depicting individual wt (green arrows) and Kindlin-3–deficient T cells (pink arrows) undergoing diapedesis through HEVs of inflamed popliteal lymph nodes (blue). The time elapsed from the initial recording is indicated in each frame. T = 0 was set 80 minutes after coinjection of the labeled T cells. (D) The numbers of wt and Kindlin-3–deficient effector T cells arrested (intravascular) or emigrating (extravascular) out of inflamed popliteal lymph node vessels were determined 60 minutes and 240 minutes after coinjection at a 1:1 ratio. One experiment is representative of 3 independent experiments. (E) The numbers and fraction of sham-treated or PTx-pretreated wt (left) and Kindlin-3–deficient effector T cells (right) emigrating out of inflamed popliteal lymph node vessels determined 240 minutes after coinjection at a 1:1 ratio. Data shown are the mean ± SEM of 3 fields of view; n = 3.