Figure 1
Figure 1. DS-AMKL and non–DS-AMKL are epigenetically distinct. (A) Heatmap representation of differentially methylated regions between normal CD34+ cells (NBM) and DS-AMKL blasts. Each row represents a genomic region, and each column represents a sample. (B) Volcano plot representing the comparison of DS-AMKL blasts to normal CD34+ cells. X-axis represents the difference in DNA methylation between the 2 groups, and the y-axis represents the statistical significance of the differences. Red dots denote DMRs with absolute log ratio difference >2 and FDR <5%. (C) Heatmap representation of differentially methylated regions between normal CD34+ cells (NBM) and non–DS-AMKL blasts. Each row represents a genomic region, and each column represents a sample. (D) Volcano plot representing the comparison of non–DS-AMKL blasts to normal CD34+ cells. X-axis represents the difference in DNA methylation between the 2 groups, and the y-axis represents the statistical significance of the differences. Red dots denote DMRs with absolute log ratio difference >2 and FDR <5%. (E) Heatmap representation of differentially methylated regions between non–DS-AMKL and DS-AMKL blasts. Each row represents a genomic region, and each column represents a patient sample.

DS-AMKL and non–DS-AMKL are epigenetically distinct. (A) Heatmap representation of differentially methylated regions between normal CD34+ cells (NBM) and DS-AMKL blasts. Each row represents a genomic region, and each column represents a sample. (B) Volcano plot representing the comparison of DS-AMKL blasts to normal CD34+ cells. X-axis represents the difference in DNA methylation between the 2 groups, and the y-axis represents the statistical significance of the differences. Red dots denote DMRs with absolute log ratio difference >2 and FDR <5%. (C) Heatmap representation of differentially methylated regions between normal CD34+ cells (NBM) and non–DS-AMKL blasts. Each row represents a genomic region, and each column represents a sample. (D) Volcano plot representing the comparison of non–DS-AMKL blasts to normal CD34+ cells. X-axis represents the difference in DNA methylation between the 2 groups, and the y-axis represents the statistical significance of the differences. Red dots denote DMRs with absolute log ratio difference >2 and FDR <5%. (E) Heatmap representation of differentially methylated regions between non–DS-AMKL and DS-AMKL blasts. Each row represents a genomic region, and each column represents a patient sample.

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