CD47-expressing mice have normal thymic organoid engraftment but reduced pluripotent HSCs/MPPs in bone marrow. (A) Representative implants and (B) flow cytometric analysis of single- and double-positive thymocytes in TKO-BLT and DKO-BLT mice at 20 to 22 weeks posttransplant (wpt). (C) Frequency of human CD45+ cells within the FSC/SSC live gate and CD38− HSCs/MPPs (gated on CD45loB220−CD34+) in bone marrow of 22 wpt DKO-BLT mice compared with TKO-BLT mice at 17 to 25 wpt. Boxes indicate median and interquartile range. Whiskers are minimum and maximum values. Unpaired 2-tailed t tests were performed between groups. ****P < .0001; *P < .05.