Human GALT reconstitution in TKO-BLT mice. (A) Representative sections of 22 wpt small and large intestine from DKO-BLT (n = 3) and TKO-BLT (n = 3) mice were stained for the presence of human cells (HLA class I+) and for HIV-susceptible CD4+ cells. Magnified ×200; numerical aperture, 0.75; Olympus DP72 camera and BX51 microscope. Acquisition software: Olympus cell Sens Dimension 1.4.1. (B) Flow cytometry plots showing cellular subsets and T-cell activation status in GALT from a TKO-BLT mouse at 19 wpt (left to right: CD3+ T cells; CD4+/CD8+ T cells; Tcm [CD45RA−CCR7+] and Tem [CD45RA−CCR7−] subsets; activated HLA-DR+ T cells; CD11c+ myeloid and CD123+ plasmacytoid DCs). Parent gates are listed above each panel. Gating was based on distinct populations in mesenteric lymph nodes that were run on the same day.