Unaltered early B-cell development in AID−/−µS−/− mice. FACS analysis of B-cell subsets in BM and spleens of age-matched WT C57Bl/6, AID−/− (ΑΙD), μS−/− (US), and AID−/−µS−/− mice. (A) Dot plots show BM cells gated on live B220+CD43− cells. The numbers indicate the proportion of cells in fractions D (B220dimIgM−), E (B220dimIgM+), and F (B220brightIgM+), and of an unusual IgMhi subpopulation in fraction E of AID−/−µS−/− BM. IgMhi cells in fraction E (black line) and F (filled gray) of AID−/−µS−/− BM were analyzed for CD93 expression. (B) Dot plots show splenic CD19+CD93+ immature B cells in the 4 groups of mice, ordered as in A. The numbers indicate the proportion of transitional T1 (IgMhiCD23−), T2 (IgMhiCD23+), and T3 (IgMloCD23+) B cells. (C) Bar chart shows the numbers of splenic T1, T2, and T3 cells. Representative results from 3 independent experiments are shown. *P ≤ .05.