Alterations to erythroid tissues in Lynup/up mice. (A) Peripheral blood from adult Lynup/up mice contains acanthocytes and spherocyte-like erythrocytes. Blood smears from adult Lyn+/+ and Lynup/up mice stained with Wright-Giemsa (black arrowhead = acanthocyte, white arrowhead = spherocyte-like, scale bar = 10 µm). (B) The bone marrow of adult Lynup/up mice displays altered ratios of erythroid and granulocytic cells compared with Lyn+/+ animals. Cytopreps of single cell suspensions of bone marrow from adult Lyn+/+ and Lynup/up mice were stained for hemoglobin with neutral benzidine and cell morphology using Wright-Giemsa (white arrowhead = erythroblasts, scale bar = 20 µm). (C) Lynup/up spleens contain normal and abnormal erythroid/blast cells. Cytopreps of single cell suspensions of spleen from adult Lyn+/+ and Lynup/up mice were stained for hemoglobin with neutral benzidine and cell morphology using Wright-Giemsa (white arrowhead = erythroblasts, black arrowhead = abnormal erythroblasts, yellow arrowhead = blasts, scale bar = 20 µm). (D) Lynup/up fetal livers (E12.5) contain significant numbers of definitive (enucleated) erythrocytes compared with Lyn+/+ animals. Cytopreps of single cell suspensions of fetal liver (E12.5) of Lyn+/+ and Lynup/up embryos were stained for hemoglobin with neutral benzidine and cell morphology using Wright-Giemsa (white arrowhead = definitive [enucleated] erythrocytes, scale bar = 20 µm).