Clonal dynamics in long-term hematopoiesis. (A-B) Barcode fluctuations from 6 to 54 weeks after transplant are shown for one mouse in granulocytes (A) and T lymphocytes (B). Different colors represent different barcodes. (C) Pearson correlations of clonal sizes with time trend for clones detected at 0.5% or higher frequency at any of the time points in the respective lineage. Positive correlation indicates that the clone is consistently growing, and negative correlation reflects decline. Proportions of T cells (red) and granulocytes (blue) are plotted. The green line shows randomly expected correlations for 200 clones simulated 20 times (average values and standard deviations for 20 simulations are shown). Fluctuations in granulocytes reflect behavior of 107 barcodes and in T cells of 187 barcodes. Mice used for this analysis were transplanted with sorted barcoded cells (that were identified in Figure 2 with dark squares).