Figure 2
Figure 2. HDM hit identification. (A) The selection threshold score for genes was calculated from the expression score (Figure 1B) and HSC activity score or biological score (Figure 2B). Biological score represents the number of shRNAs per HDM that modulate HSC activity in recipients above or below the 95% confidence interval range established for control shLuc cells (dotted blue lines in Figure 2B). Selection threshold score of 2 and above identifies hits selected for validation experiments. (B) Contributions of GFP+ (shRNA-transduced) cells to peripheral blood reconstitution of recipients at 20 weeks after transplantation. Results are presented as proportions GFP+ cells within the transplant-derived (CD45.1+) peripheral blood cells and are normalized for the GT efficiency determined on the day of transplantation (day 0). Green shaded areas, suppressors of HSC activity; red shaded areas, enhancers of HSC activity. Raw data for GT rates and blood reconstitution levels for all recipients are provided in supplemental Table 4.

HDM hit identification. (A) The selection threshold score for genes was calculated from the expression score (Figure 1B) and HSC activity score or biological score (Figure 2B). Biological score represents the number of shRNAs per HDM that modulate HSC activity in recipients above or below the 95% confidence interval range established for control shLuc cells (dotted blue lines in Figure 2B). Selection threshold score of 2 and above identifies hits selected for validation experiments. (B) Contributions of GFP+ (shRNA-transduced) cells to peripheral blood reconstitution of recipients at 20 weeks after transplantation. Results are presented as proportions GFP+ cells within the transplant-derived (CD45.1+) peripheral blood cells and are normalized for the GT efficiency determined on the day of transplantation (day 0). Green shaded areas, suppressors of HSC activity; red shaded areas, enhancers of HSC activity. Raw data for GT rates and blood reconstitution levels for all recipients are provided in supplemental Table 4.

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