RARα2 activates both Wnt and Hh signaling. (A) Western blots show the nuclear expression of β-catenin and Gli1 in OCI-MY5 and ARP1 cells overexpressed RARα2. (B) Western blots show the nuclear expression of β-catenin and Gli1 in ARK and KMS11 cells transfected with either RARα2 shRNA or scrambled oligonucleotide (SCR). (C) Real time-PCR revealed the expression of TCF1, TCF4, LEF1, CD44, CCND1, SMO, and Gli1 in RARα2-overexpressing myeloma cells and the EV cells. (D) Cell viability was evaluated in ARK and KMS11 cells treated with ATRA, Wnt3a, and Shh or combinations. All results are expressed as means ± SD of 3 independent experiments. (E) Western blots show the expression of β-catenin and Gli1 in ARK and KMS11 cells treated with ATRA, Wnt3a, and Shh or combinations.