CX3CR1 reduced monocytes motility in the bone marrow. (A) TPLSM images of CFP+ cells (cyan) in blood vessels (red) of skull bone tissue 5 days after CP treatment of MacBlue (left) and MacBluexCX3CR1gfp/gfp mice (right). Dashed lines indicate the vasculature areas and the bone matrix is in blue (SHG). (B) Quantification from the 3-dimensional videos of CFP+ cell numbers normalized to the vasculature volume (red bar represents the mean of different vasculature areas; a 1-way ANOVA with Bonferroni comparison post-test was performed). (C) Summary of CFP+ cell velocity, track straightness, and arrest coefficient in bone marrow parenchyma and vasculature of untreated and CP-treated MacBlue (WT, black) and MacBluexCX3CR1gfp/gfp (CX3CR1−/−, blue) mice. Red bars represent median (data points represent individual cells compiled from at least 3 different experiments; a Mann-Whitney sum test was performed). D, day; NT, not treated.