CX3CR1 blockade changed monocyte behavior in the marrow. (A) TPLSM images of CFP+ cells (cyan) in blood vessels (red) of skull bone tissue 5 days after CP treatment of MacBlue mice and 2 days after in vivo transfection of an Ig-encoding plasmid (top) or IgF1-encoding plasmid (bottom). Associated track paths of cells are represented by colored lines (right panels). (B) Summary of CFP+ cell velocity, track straightness, and arrest coefficient after in vivo transfection with Ig-encoding plasmid (black round) or IgF1-encoding plasmid (blue round) in both parenchyma (left) and vasculature (right). Red bars represent medians (data points represent individual cells compiled from a minimum of 3 different experiments; a Mann-Whitney sum test was performed).