Effect of DDAVP on intracellular Na+concentration after simultaneous platelet activation with convulxin and thrombin. (A) Intracellular Na+ course in a representative patient before DDAVP administration (P1, baseline; P2, <30 seconds; P3, 1 minute; P4, 2 minutes; P5, 4 minutes; P6, 6 minutes after simultaneous platelet activation with convulxin and thrombin). (B) Summary of the intracellular Na+ course in 5 patients at baseline (median fold-increase and 95% CIs). (C) Relative intracellular Na+ course after DDAVP compared with baseline (median fold-change and 95% CIs) in patients with enhanced COAT platelet generation (median increase 39%, n = 3) and those without (n = 2). CVX, convulxin; Thr, thrombin.