Figure 3
Figure 3. Kaplan-Meier estimates of OS of patients harboring small TP53 mutated subclones. (A) Comparison of OS from CLL diagnosis between patients harboring solely subclonal TP53 mutations, cases harboring clonal TP53 mutations, and cases harboring an unmutated TP53 gene. (B) Comparison of OS from CLL diagnosis between patients harboring solely subclonal TP53 mutations, cases harboring solely clonal TP53 lesions (ie, mutations or deletions), cases harboring clonal TP53 lesions coexisting with subclonal TP53 mutations, and cases harboring a wild-type TP53 gene. (C) Comparison of OS from first treatment between patients harboring solely subclonal TP53 mutations, cases harboring clonal TP53 mutations, and cases harboring an unmutated TP53 gene. p, P values by log-rank test.

Kaplan-Meier estimates of OS of patients harboring small TP53 mutated subclones. (A) Comparison of OS from CLL diagnosis between patients harboring solely subclonal TP53 mutations, cases harboring clonal TP53 mutations, and cases harboring an unmutated TP53 gene. (B) Comparison of OS from CLL diagnosis between patients harboring solely subclonal TP53 mutations, cases harboring solely clonal TP53 lesions (ie, mutations or deletions), cases harboring clonal TP53 lesions coexisting with subclonal TP53 mutations, and cases harboring a wild-type TP53 gene. (C) Comparison of OS from first treatment between patients harboring solely subclonal TP53 mutations, cases harboring clonal TP53 mutations, and cases harboring an unmutated TP53 gene. p, P values by log-rank test.

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