Partial karyotypes of 2 patients demonstrating additional CNAs originating from JT1q12 to16q11. Note: Normal chromosome 16 is not shown for these 2 patients. FISH probes 1q12 (red), 1q21 (green), and 16q11 (aqua) and SKY classification colors for chromosome 16 (light orange) are 1q (yellow), 18 (auburn) and 20 (blue) are shown. (A) The karyotype of patient 17 showed a total of 5 copies of JT1q12, including extra copies on a der(1;16), a der(18), and a der(20). The JT1q12 on the der(18) also demonstrated an extra copy of 16q11(aqua signal) was amplified and translocated from the der(16). (B) The stemline of patient 59 showed 1 normal chromosome 1 (left), a chromosome 1 with a 1p deletion (second from left), a chromosome 16 with the coamplification of 1q12∼23 and 16q11 (third from left), and a coamplified segment of 16q11 and 1q12∼23 translocated to 11p (right). The CN was 8 for both 1q21 and for 16q11 in this clone. (C) In a specimen analyzed 6 months later, a subclone emerged showing a coamplified segment of 16q11 and 1q12∼23 had translocated to the normal chromosome 1q at 1q25 (left) and a second smaller segment of 16q11 and JT1q12 to the other chromosome 1 with deletion of 1p. Note: In this subclone, the CN for 1q21 increased from 8 to11 and the CN of 16q11 increased from 8 to 10.