Figure 4
Figure 4. F8 mRNA is expressed in selective endothelial cell beds. Plots show fold-change (enrichment or depletion) of mRNA transcripts for a number of genes in the endothelial cell mRNA isolated from (A) liver, (B) kidney, (C) heart, and (D) brain tissues of 4 RiboTag, Tek-Cre+ mice relative to the whole-tissue lysate input (set to 1.0). Values <1.0 indicate depletion in the endothelial cell fraction, relative to input. In contrast, values >1.0 indicate enrichment. Each symbol represents an independent animal. Values for tissue-specific, non–endothelial cell genes are shown as open circles. Values for endothelial cell–specific genes are shown as light gray squares. Values for F8 mRNA fold-change are shown as black diamonds. Horizontal lines indicate mean and error bars indicate standard error of the mean for each genotype.

F8 mRNA is expressed in selective endothelial cell beds. Plots show fold-change (enrichment or depletion) of mRNA transcripts for a number of genes in the endothelial cell mRNA isolated from (A) liver, (B) kidney, (C) heart, and (D) brain tissues of 4 RiboTag, Tek-Cre+ mice relative to the whole-tissue lysate input (set to 1.0). Values <1.0 indicate depletion in the endothelial cell fraction, relative to input. In contrast, values >1.0 indicate enrichment. Each symbol represents an independent animal. Values for tissue-specific, non–endothelial cell genes are shown as open circles. Values for endothelial cell–specific genes are shown as light gray squares. Values for F8 mRNA fold-change are shown as black diamonds. Horizontal lines indicate mean and error bars indicate standard error of the mean for each genotype.

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