Figure 1
Figure 1. CIR according to early response. CIR, after censoring patients who received allogeneic SCT in first CR at time of SCT, is shown according to (A) postinduction MRD1 level (evaluated at week 6 after initiation of the first induction cycle); (B) postinduction MRD1 and postconsolidation MRD2 (evaluated at week 12 after initiation of the first induction cycle) levels, using a 10−4 MRD cutoff at both time points; (C) resistance or sensitivity to the steroid prephase and MRD1 level, showing that MRD1 response may discriminate high- vs good-risk patients in prephase-resistant (P = .016) as well as sensitive (P < .001) patients (conversely, resistance or sensitivity to the steroid prophase did not significantly define high- vs good-risk patients among those with low or high MRD1 level; P = .30 and .55, respectively); and (D) early BM blast clearance and MRD1 level, showing that MRD1 response may discriminate high- vs good-risk patients both in patients with poor (P = .031) or good (P < .001) early BM blast clearance (conversely, early BM blast clearance did not significantly define high- vs good-risk patients among patients with low or high MRD1 level; P = .06 and .67, respectively).

CIR according to early response. CIR, after censoring patients who received allogeneic SCT in first CR at time of SCT, is shown according to (A) postinduction MRD1 level (evaluated at week 6 after initiation of the first induction cycle); (B) postinduction MRD1 and postconsolidation MRD2 (evaluated at week 12 after initiation of the first induction cycle) levels, using a 10−4 MRD cutoff at both time points; (C) resistance or sensitivity to the steroid prephase and MRD1 level, showing that MRD1 response may discriminate high- vs good-risk patients in prephase-resistant (P = .016) as well as sensitive (P < .001) patients (conversely, resistance or sensitivity to the steroid prophase did not significantly define high- vs good-risk patients among those with low or high MRD1 level; P = .30 and .55, respectively); and (D) early BM blast clearance and MRD1 level, showing that MRD1 response may discriminate high- vs good-risk patients both in patients with poor (P = .031) or good (P < .001) early BM blast clearance (conversely, early BM blast clearance did not significantly define high- vs good-risk patients among patients with low or high MRD1 level; P = .06 and .67, respectively).

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