Decreased thrombus stability in Bambi-deficient mice after laser-induced thrombosis model in vivo. (A) Representative composite fluorescence and brightfield images of laser-induced thrombus formation in arterioles of Bambi+/+ and Bambi−/− mice. Scale bar represents 10 µm. (B) Median IFI is depicted (AU) as a function of time after the injury. Distribution of the time to maximal thrombus size (C) and maximal thrombus size expressed in IFI AU (D) in wild-type and Bambi-deficient mice. (E) Thrombus stability was assessed by determining the time taken for each thrombus at maximal size to fall by 50% of maximal IFI. See supplemental Videos 4-6 for better visualization of the differences in thrombus stability between the different animal groups. Each symbol represents 1 thrombus: Bambi+/+ (n = 27), Bambi+/− (n = 26), and Bambi−/− mice (n = 22). Horizontal lines intersecting data sets represent the median. Statistical analysis was performed using ANOVA (Kruskal-Wallis). *P < .05. AU, arbitrary unit.