Hierarchical clustering of genetic and epigenetic features segregates AML patients into 18 clusters. Heat map representing pairwise correlations between the RAEB/AML patients using the gene expression and DNA-methylation profiles of each patient. Ordering of patient samples is based on hierarchical clustering using Pearson correlation and Ward’s linkage, which results in clusters of patients that are highly correlated to each other. Colored cells in the heat map depict a higher positive (red) or lower negative (blue) correlation, as indicated by the scale bar. Bars in the first 3 rows along the diagonal of the heat map indicate presence of the SF gene hotspot mutations. The last row indicates whether a patient is labeled as RAEB or AML-LBC. AML-LBCs are AML patients with blast counts between 20% and 30%. Detailed information of each patient in the clusters is shown in supplemental Table 4.