Changes in disease-related parameters. (A) Best on-treatment changes in the SPD of measured lymph nodes, by patient().
denotes nonevaluable patients (without a follow-up on-treatment tumor assessment) and
denotes the presence of a del17p or TP53 mutation. Forty-one patients were assessed by computed tomography scan and 9 by physical examination. Four patients did not have a follow-up assessment. (B) Rate of best on-treatment lymph node response (≥50% reduction in SPD of measured lymph nodes) and best on-treatment change from baseline in SPD of measured lymph nodes by dosing regimen (N = 50). (C) Mean changes in the SPD of measured lymph nodes and in the ALC by time during the primary study. (D) Hb concentration, platelet counts, and ANC by time during the primary study; includes only patients with baseline anemia (Hb <110 g/L), thrombocytopenia (platelets <100 × 109/L), or neutropenia (ANC <1.5 × 109/L). ALC, absolute lymphocyte count; LNRR, lymph node response rate.