Assigned 1H-15N HSQC spectrum of VWF TIL′E′. The 1H-15N HSQC NMR spectrum of recombinant TIL′E′ measured at 25°C at 600 MHz. Each peak in this spectrum represents 1 backbone amide group, tryptophan side chain, or the Asn/Gln side chain. The chemical-shift assignments are annotated with the amino acid type and sequence number of the VWF protein. A near-complete backbone assignment of 1H-15N resonances is achieved. Of the 79 peaks observed, 77 backbone amides and the indole of Trp856 are assigned. A single unassigned peak in the center of the spectrum is indicated with an asterisk. Side-chain NH2 groups of Asn and Gln are assigned and shown connected by horizontal lines. There are broad peaks with lower intensity seen in the spectrum.