Recipient P-selectin and VCAM-1 are not required for engraftment of BCR-ABL1–expressing leukemic stem cells. (A) Kaplan-Meier survival curve for WT (B6129 F2, solid line, n = 33), VCAM-1 KO (Vcam1flox/flox/TIE2Cre) mutant (dotted line, n = 5), or P-selectin KO (Selp−/−) mutant (dashed line, n = 5) recipients of BCR-ABL1–transduced B6129 F2 BM. Here and in subsequent figures, the curve for the WT donor/recipient combination represents cumulative results from all transplants in this study. All mice that died prior to day 56 developed CML-like MPN. The difference in overall survival between the 3 cohorts was not significant (P = .81 for WT vs VCAM-1 KO and P = .96 for WT vs P-selectin KO; Mantel-Cox tests). (B) Increased clonality of CML-like disease in Vcam1 and Selp mutant recipients. Genomic DNA from spleen (spl) or PB of leukemic mice was analyzed by (upper) Southern blot with a GFP probe to detect distinct proviral integration events and (lower) subsequently with an ABL1 probe to allow determination of the total proviral content of each sample,32 shown at the bottom. Con 1 and Con 2 are control DNAs from cell lines that each contain a single BCR-ABL1 provirus, whereas WT 1 and WT 2 are spleen DNA samples of WT recipients with BCR-ABL1–induced CML-like disease. Lanes 12 to 14 show the clonality of disease in P-selectin mutant recipients, whereas lanes 20 to 22 are representative leukemia samples from VCAM-1 mutant recipients.