Altered HSC and myeloid progenitor cell populations in Asxl1−/−mice. (A) Flow cytometric analysis of LSK and LK compartments in the BM of representative young WT, Asxl1+/−, and Asxl1−/− mice (4 weeks old). (B-C) Quantitation of the percent of LSK (B) and LK (C) cells in the total BM cells of each genotype of mice (mean ± SD, 4-5 mice/genotype, 3-6 weeks old, *P < .05). (D) Flow cytometric analysis of CMP, GMP, and MEP populations in the BM LK cell population of WT, Asxl1+/−, and Asxl1−/− mice are shown. (E) Quantitative analysis of CMP, GMP, and MEP populations in the LK cell population (4-5 mice/group, 3-6 weeks old, *P < .05). (F) BM progenitor assay. CFU numbers were assessed in semisolid media in the presence of mSCF, mIL-3, IL-6, and EPO. Data are presented as mean ± SEM from 4 to 5 mice per genotype. Black bars represent CFU-GM (granulocytes/macrophages), open bars represent BFU-E (burst forming unit-erythrocyte), and gray bars represent CFU-Mix (mixed colonies of GM, E, and megakaryocytic cells). *P < .05.