CD5+B-cell expansions in the spleens of EμCycD1CD19CREBimfl/flmice subjected to SRBC injection. Mice of the indicated genotypes were injected with SRBC and evaluated by gross examination and flow cytometry. (A) EμCycD1CD19CREBimfl/fl mice developed larger spleens than WT and EμCycD1 mice, but all other groups were statistically similar. (B) EμCycD1 and EμCycD1CD19CREBimfl/fl mice manifested larger mediastinal lymphadenopathy (LAD) compared with WT mice; no other statistically significant differences were observed among the other groups. (C) Flow cytometry determined the percentage of splenic mononuclear cells that were positive for CD5 and either CD19 or B220. WT (n = 5), EμCycD1 (n = 5), CD19CREBimfl/fl (n = 4), and EμCycD1CD19CREBimfl/fl (n = 5). Data are mean and standard error of the mean. *P < .05; **P < .01; ***P < .001; 2-tailed Student t test.