HSCs do not translocate from the AGM to the CHT and kidney in cbfb−/− embryos. Expression of the HSC marker c-myb in the CHT and kidney between 48 hpf and 5 dpf by WISH. At 48 hpf, c-myb+ HSCs had started to populate the CHT in WT embryos (A-A′), whereas they did not in cbfbdel4/del4 (B-B′) or cbfbins4/ins4 (C-C′) embryos. At 3 dpf, c-myb+ hematopoietic cells could readily be detected in the CHT in WT embryos (D-D′), whereas no c-myb expression was detectable in the CHT in cbfbdel4/del4 (E-E′) or cbfbins4/ins4 (F-F′) embryos. At 5 dpf, c-myb expression in the CHT and kidney was detectable in WT (G-G′′), but not in cbfbdel4/del4 (H-H′′) or cbfbins4/ins4 (I-I′′), embryos. Panels A′-F′ depict the boxed regions in panels A-F. Panels G′, H′, and I′ depict the regions in the left boxes in panels G-I. Panels G′′- I′′ depict the regions in the right boxes in panels G-I.