Relationship between expression of miR-150, GAB1, or FOXP1 and the relative sensitivity to BCR ligation in CLL. The association between BCR responsiveness and GAB1 (A), FOXP1 (B), or miR-150 (C) expression. Forty-five CLL samples were stimulated by anti-μ (10 μg/mL) and the calcium flux was assessed by flow cytometry. Below each panel is a “+” or a “−” in the row labeled “BCRsig” on the left to indicate samples that were high responders or low responders, respectively. (D-F) Another row is beneath the panels labeled on the left as “ZAP-70” to indicate the samples that were positive or negative for ZAP-70, as indicated by the “+” or “−”, respectively. n.s., not significant; ZAP-70+, ZAP-70 positive samples.